Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Row, Row, Row Your Heart

...from Drawing as a Sacred Activity by Heather C. Williams

"When emotions are oceanic, we desperately try to figure things out with intellect.  Yet its limited, linear approach just can't always do the job.  You feel like you are sinking in this sea of overwhelm.  You need to focus your attention with the right brain.  Your heart, like your emotions, is oceanic, and it can help you swim to shore.  Drawing your heart out onto a piece of paper can help you gain the edge you need to pull yourself out of emotional overwhelm."

I read this excerpt from this book and immediately came up with an image of a heart inside a boat, rowing to shore..then, as often happens with me, I heard the tune of a familiar song...but I wanted to change the lyrics to...

Row Row Row your heart,
Gently down the stream
Safely, safely to the shore
Even when you must scream..

Monday, November 5, 2012

Guiding Light

This evening my daughter picked "My Garden of Flower Fairies" for her bedtime book.  I have never heard of a Michaelmas Daisy before, but there it was, a beautifully drawn page that I happened to open and look at again before doing the drawing above.

To help the night fairies tend their plants and play in the dark, Michaelmas Daisy sprinkles fairy dust into the yellow middles of his flowers.  The gleaming blossoms become lanterns lighting up the tiny fariy paths around the garden and allowing the fairies to see what they are doing. 

 As winter approaches, the nights are coming sooner, the air is brisk,  and it is a time to keep warm with our inner light, guiding us through the season.  I feel the need, I feel the renewed spark, to come back to more art every day... I feel great change is before me. I see the magic wand, a star, pointing to somewhere, pointing to something..that perhaps the fairies will light up for me this month....